Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Go Bananas!
I love bananas... mmm.. potassium...
Cue *Scenic World* alarm. Every morning I wake up like clockwork to a carton of blueberries, oatmeal, and chai tea. No more. This weekend I found a great recipe for a banana smoothie on a fellow blogger's site and it is phenomenal. Fantasmic! Banasmic! AAAAHH!! :)
Use it and add your own fruit.
1 banana (cut it up into pieces)
1 cup soy milk (we use non-fat original)
1/2 cup granola (we use blueberry granola with flax seed)
1 tbsp honey
a few drops of vanilla extract (or we used chocolate syrup)
a dash of cinnamon
we also add a few scoops of fresh blueberries
Blend and pour. Drink away!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thrift Storing..
So as you know I've been working on our wedding that's coming up very soon. It has been a huge work in progress. See all that I've accomplished in my co-blog below.
Song of the Week: The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs- Heads Will Roll (awesome dance riff with fist-pumping notes!)
I actually co-wrote a list of thrift stores around the Bay Area here that I am heading out to soon. I use Google to preview & review thrift stores that I have been to or are scoping out. I would really recommend you using that or until I can find a really good site *hmmm... light bulb*. When you google names or just the word Thift Store everything pops up. You can click on reviews of the business made by other customers. This has really helped me narrow down the shops I have been to. You could really help another fellow thrifter/shopper out and save a wasted trip. :)
I'll add a list of my weekly/monthly thrift stores that I visit soon. So many people have asked for a list... soon my loves, soon. :)
Anyway, it has been a very eventful week. I've been working on the "cake". Scoping out rings. Requesting addresses. Quoting caterers. Oh, and still shopping for decorations. P.s. Does ANYONE know of any dressers dumped on the side let me know?! I am looking for small, inviting drawers as my centerpiece project. Pictures to show up on here and the wedding blog soon! :) Yes, I'm trying craigslist... :p Thanks for reading and happy thrifting! XOXO