Monday, September 27, 2010

Poppy Bliss

Listening to "Coin Laundry" by Lisa Mitchell

That is my favorite song right now. Helps with brainstorming... *sigh*

On to my title. I just put two new cuffs up in the shop. Yes, I've been playing with fire. No, that's not why my face is the way it is. BLEH... or meeeeeeeeow as Abby would politely put it.

My camera is finally working so we were able to take some pics of the new cuffs. Ch-Ch-Check it out. *channeling Beastie Boys*

On another note, at work today- yes, I have a full time job I work at. Didn't know that? By day I'm the lone surgery scheduler for Pediatric General & Thoracic Surgery at All Children's Hospital here in St. Petersburg, Florida. I hope I never see you or your child because if I see you it's because of trauma surgery, bone marrow transplants, ALL, cholelithiasis, hernias, etc.... I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU- no offense. It's just better that way. I love my job but it has its saddening downsides.

As I was saying before, at work I had to pull together my Excel skills again. Did I mention I hate Excel? I strongly despise spreadsheets and fee schedules. Nothing says HORROR movie like a range of ridiculous formulas and deliminated data.... Are you asleep yet? I am... ZZzzz. I just wanted you to know how much I despise that Microsoft program.

DID SOMEONE SAY AUTUMN??!! Oh, that was me. So sorry. My favorite season approaches. Unfortunately, in Florida that means 3 more months until we even feel a chill. Nothing says "trick or treat" like an excessively sweating 9 year old in a clown costume. I shall not gloat. NO! I love fall. Especially when we get those brief cold fronts that whisk me away in a scarf..... scarves.... *sigh* I can't wait to wear those... I need to just move up to Ohio or Montana for a few months and travel back and forth in my Star Trek transporter beam. There's an idea.....

Well, thank you for following along with me in today's fun-filled jabberfest. I'm working on some more items and I will hopefully have them up by the end of the week. Thanks guys!!!!


Monday, September 20, 2010

A Look at the Past

Listening to "Sprawl" by Arcade Fire

I suffer from a tiring disease called "SLC" or Second Look Crafting. I have a horrible time fighting that part of me that looks at something I made in the past and say, I really dislike the look of that. I know let's take it apart and reinvent something else. Apparently, this involves my housekeeping and work personality. Hence, my husband can't stand it when it's our semi-annual furniture "redecorating party".

To kick off the autumn season, I looked at something I made awhile ago and the SLC overcame me. I don't want to put this part of me down because I know a lot of people suffer from this nerve-breaking syndrome as I do but sometimes it costs me nights of iced-coffee mania or those crazed raccoon eyes at work the next morning. :) What once was a plain wooden nickel last year became something I definitely love now- felt & soft leather embellishments. A seasonal mix of buttons. Oh, and my favorite- an acorn. :)


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Listening to "A Big Jetplane" by Angus & Julia Stone

I've been on Etsy for almost 1 year now (tomorrow is my official anniversary) and I'm just starting to experiment with some of their cool features. Take their Treasury for instance. If you're familiar with this then you know what I'm talking about. The feature allows you to share 16 different items from separate shops (usually with a central theme) that you like. You then publish the items with a Title and Description and allow other etsians to view them.

In following this topic, I dove into this feature and made my first Etsy Treasury. I based it on two huge inspirations in my life- my husband and his music. Tim, my hubby, is a casual musician. We have a makeshift music studio for him in our guest bedroom and when he "feels like playing" he goes in there and experiments with his "craft". When he shuts that door, I close my eyes and I see that scene from Frankenstein, "It's Alive!". Okay, I know he's not re-animating dead body parts but I know firsthand he is putting what he envisions into his music. He doesn't realize how much his support means to me and I just want him to know this again and again... and again... you get it.

Anyway, I am excited that I was able to tinker with this feature and create something I can share with you. It's nothing fancy but I hope you find the various items I found as creative as I did.