Listening to "Piano Man" by Ghostland Observatory.
In my absent mind, I began meandering down the road of furnishings. Stay away. BEWARE! I hate going down this path because you see things you love and it drives me crazy. It's addicting at times. Ok, all the time. I've started a little journal for the house we're saving up. "Things I want, need, and salivate over." Time will tell when we get to that point.
For now though I leave you with my home envy today- curtains. You can never have enough curtains. The outfit of any room. I love the colors of that first curtain. Would brighten up any room. Since my favorito color would go perfectly with that, green, I would jot down a "S" for salivating. ^-^

I could eat that fruit. Actually, one the cats would knock it down first after putting their paws all over it... *sigh*. The sheer white is an addicting color for any kitchen. Simple yet chic. A "W" for the kitchen.
I love the bubbles on this. Very cute in a kids room but I would love this in my craft room. Yes, Tim we are molding a CRAFT room.. ^-^

I love everything about this photo. The clean lines. The simple table. The French Country curtains. That floor looks gorgeous! Salivating... xoxo
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