Friday, September 11, 2009

Tutorial: Junk Drawer Organizer

Listening to "Sunday" by Sia

It's happened. Your remote is dead and you need a battery. Oh no... to the junk drawer. Yes, we all have one. It's where we throw that fortune cookie from last year or even floss (seriously, I saw it in someone's..). I hate the drawer and I make Tim get stuff out of there because I'm scared something might live in there. Unfortunately, because he and I both THROW stuff in there it's cluttered and we have to dig to find things. LIGHT BULB. I should organize our drawer. Late one afternoon I took to this easy yet productive project to organize the dirty deed.

Junk Drawer Tutorial:

What You Need:

It's easy. All you need is an empty box. I used empty tea and plastic baggie boxes. Try envelope boxes. You'll have different sizes to fit your need.
Straight Edge Cutter
Glue (I used Modge Podge)
Patterned Paper (I used a 12"x12" paper)
Now'n'Laters (they help with tension ^-^)
Exacto Knife

1. Take your patterned paper and measure it out to a good length to cover the box all over. It depends what box you use and what paper but I taped (above) my paper to the box to help me start and rolled it through to make sure it could cover all of it.

2. Once you've figured out that the paper will cover the entire box then using a brush you can start laying that glue on the box. Don't wipe it on the paper because if you're like me and you used a plastic baggie box then you'll waste glue where you have to cut. Slowly roll the box (above), covering and gluing the paper all over the box.

3.You should have some paper sticking out on the edges. You can attack this anyway you want but I think the "gift fold" looks pretty nifty. You can cut the side pieces sticking out to the length you feel will cover the sides. About an inch will work depending on how big your box is. Start applying glue to the side of the box and begin folding in the side pieces. Then apply glue again to the top and bottom pieces and press them down. Now, depending on how much paper you cut you might have a gap (above). I did this on purpose because I wanted to put a second piece of paper there. You don't have to obviously. Repeat on the other side.

4. Now depending what box you are using you will need some sort of hole or opening to put your knick knacks in. With the plastic baggie box I used the exacto knife and slowly cut out the hole where you pull the bags out. Easy. Don't cut the hole out exactly but instead leave half an inch of paper so you can fold it under and have smooth rounded edges. Always a nice round edge. :)

5. Glue the hole's edges down and take a gander at your box. Now, at this point you could add paper inside the box to cheer it up a bit but I figured I would be filling it up with everything dirty under the sun. My first box was going to hold Tim's "tools"- drill bits, nails, screws, anchors, etc... So instead, I decorated the outside. I love buttons so they took over this box. Feel free to use anything you can think of- yarn, eyelets, more paper?!, etc... Also, I sealed the papers in with another coat of Modge Podge once I was done. Go crazy!

6. Now fill 'er up! :) Add this box into your junk drawer to make organized space. I have several "boxes" in the drawer holding batteries, sewing thread, keys, etc... Email me if you have any questions. Cheers. x0x0.

p.s. the kitty is Abby ^-^


Amy said...

This is awesome! I can finally clean out my drawer. The husband begs.. lol. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

Very cute! I would need to make about 23 of these to get the junk drawers really cleaned up :D

Cristi said...

Love it. Wish I could post a pic of mine. I made something very similar to file all my paper clutter. I used a Hefty garbage bag box. It was way sturdy.