Saturday, August 8, 2009

Study Time

Listening to "Shake the Tree" -The Rosebuds

Preference I like to think is a choice that we utilize with our creative side... Me? Oh, I looked on Craigslist with a co-worker *cough* I mean not at work of course... and found a free desk. Free? Yes, and before you start asking questions out loud- yes it was a POS. Broken, ugly as sin, falling apart and they even left their bills inside the drawer! Um.. ok? Hi, I'm an identity thief thank you for your social and overdue electric bill... *sigh*

The free desk was for my scrapbooking supplies. I'm also looking for a type printer tray if anyone knows of a decently priced item. I haven't touched them in forever because it's like looking for a needle in the comforter *Ow, my foot*. Anywho, I've been wanting an outside project for awhile and this was perfect. Below is the before shots.. *eeek*

bleeeehhhh aaaaaaaaaah
who paints over knobs?? that paint makes me gag..
Tim, my fiance, stripping away 3 layers of paint...

After 3 hours of stripping away 3 layers of 3 different paints we finally got to the actual wood desk and began sanding away. Thank you dad for that electric sander... *whooo*. Oh, and the picture above is exactly how the desk came.. with only one side attached.. lol. Tim had to reattach the right side of the desk. I whitewashed the entire desk leaving some of the ugly paint for a 3-d texture. Turned out pretty well for my first desk project. We bought all new hardware and I absolutely love it. Finally, I waxed the entire desk so just in case I or the kitties scratch it the paint won't peel off... See below for my pictures.. cheers! xoxo